Spring is finally here! Birds singing and the sun pouring down through our shades do not only mean that the trees will blossom and the tulips will color the streets. But it also informs that summer is on the way and if you are a foodie like me, the following two months will be the hardest for us. Summer and bikini season on the way signals you to start cutting off those high-calorie carbs and to include more veggies, more exercise and more water through out the day, which is definitely not easy. However, this is also the best time of the year with the freshest produce and vegetables. Thus no excuses for not being able to work with healthy ingredients.
So, if you are like me and you want to cut down some of those cookies, pastas, chocolate etc, this zucchini noodle (zoodle) recipe will be your to go meal. It does not only take 4 ingredients to prepare but also results in a very easy and an even more healthier dish. Plus, this recipe is perfect for my vegan friends out there :)
Spiralizers are very popular nowadays and if you are planning on investing on one, you can buy this from Crate and Barrell. But today I am going to use a different slicer, a mandarin to be more specific by a brand called Gefu. I bought it to make chips etc. but with attachable plates, you can cut fries and very thin strips. So I am going to use the strip plate to make my zoodles. There are of course other ways to prepare zoodles, such as a vegetable peeler for fettuchini shaped zoodles or a julienne peeler for spaghetti zoodles. I have also seen a blogger (Top with Cinnamon) use a box grater placed sideways to cut the zucchini into spaghetti.
As you might have noticed, there are multiple ways to make zucchini noodles. You can also try other vegetables like carrots or eggplants with the same recipe. So, here is the recipe for Super Easy and Super Healthy Vegan 15 Minute Zoodles: